
5 Brain Trainers for iPhone

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Our brains are truly precious. The more you read and train your brain, the sharper it will stays. There are already plenty of online tools that can help you push your brain. These 5 brain training apps for iPhone are worth exploring too:


Peak – Brain Training: helps you improve your memory, mental agility, focus, and problem solving skills. It has 18 fun games to get you started. Peak Pro offers personalized workouts to keep you going.

fit brain

Fit Brains Trainer: has more than 360 games and training sessions to improve your memory, concentration, reaction speed, and problem solving skills. This is a universal app.


Lumosity Mobile: this app is designed to train your memory, attention, concentration, and other areas with games. It provides you with performance tracking and lets you see how you stack up against your peers.


Elevate: designed to improve your focus, speaking skills, memory, and math. It has over 20 games and provides you with performance tracking and adaptive difficulty progression, to keep things interesting.


Memorado: offers brain games to challenge your concentration, reaction, and memory. The design is simple and easy on the eye. You can try it for free.

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