App Reviews
Type N Walk
I’d be the first one to tell you that I am not a master texter. I don’t spend my days texting friends left and right. But there are people who are text junkies. They are constantly on their phone texting, without paying too much attention to what’s going on around them. Well, that could be dangerous. If you happen to be a serial “texter” as well, you may want to consider picking up Type n Walk.
Type N Walk lets you text and walk at the same time without hitting everything that’s on your way. It shows you a transparent view of what’s ahead of you, so you can text and see what’s ahead of you on your screen. Type N Walk works with your other apps as well. So you can write tweets, Facebook updates, and SMS messages (whichever works for you).
The app is pretty easy to use. You just write your message, copy it, and paste it into your favorite app. In the meantime, you keep an eye on what’s ahead of you as well. All in all, a pretty handy app to try.
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