App Reviews

Mortgage Marketplace

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In these tough economic times, home buyers should do their research before taking on a mortgage they can’t possibly pay off. The market conditions are considered volatile at best. If you are running a tight budget, you want to make sure you can pay your new home’s bills before signing on the dotted line. Thanks to Zillow Mortgage Marketplace, you can figure out which homes you afford and how much you will have to pay on a monthly basis to keep your home.

Mortgage Marketplace is really 3 tools fit into 1 application. Its affordability calculator shows you the home price that you can afford based on your income and the amount of down payment you can put forth. Not sure what your monthly payments will look like? The payment calculator tool shows you just that. Zillow Mortgage Marketplace even has a tool for those needing to refinance their mortgages.

Zillow Mortgage Marketplace is a pretty handy calculator for anyone planning to buy a new home or refinance their existing mortgage. It can help you find affordable loans for your next home without stretching yourself too hard. It has a clean and simple interface and does what it promises. Support for more complicated scenarios would be nice though.

Rating: 8.8/10


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