App Reviews

Ascendo Spanish English Dictionary

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One of the things that I love about the iPhone is the fact that you can download so many useful iPhone applications that can help you travel and get more done on the road. Ascendo’s Spanish/English Dictionary is a cool little app that comes in very handy if you are studying Spanish material or are just visiting a city in Spain. It comes with over 620,000 entries, including phrases, travel phrases, verbs, speech and much more.


Ascendo’s Dictionary not only gives you all the definitions you need to read a Spanish book or look-up words fast, but it allows you to associate notes, images, and audio clips to help you retain the information you have learned more effectively. You can also record how the natives pronounce the words.

What I like about this app is that it’s very simple to get a handle on, and it does come with useful features that are helpful to travelers. I happen to speak multiple languages  but I don’t know any Spanish. With Ascendo’s product, I can figure out what those most basic sentences are in the Spanish language. It would have been nice to have pronunciations for all these phrases. But if you know the basics of the language, this app comes in handy. Nothing’s more frustrating than trying to understand a foreign language without a handy tool such as Ascendo’s Dictionary.

Rating: 8/10

For more information on this product, log on to Ascendo Inc’s website.

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