App Reviews

Body Bones

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You can find a whole lot of games and entertaining apps on iTunes. But recently, there have been waves of educational and science apps introduced to the market to bring a learning element to the App Store. You can play games and puzzles on your iPhone all day, but sometime you just want to use your phone to learn new things. Body Bones is one of those apps that does just that. It’s designed to help you better understand the human skeletal systems. It’s an interactive 3D biology app that shows you how our bodies are structured, and what’s the name of those small bones in our bodies.

If you have a passion for biology, you have a special appreciation for how the human body is evolved and how it works. With Body Bones, you can easily explore the human skeleton systems and go through all the charts and information available with this app to become more knowledgeable about this topic.

I find the graphics to be superb, and the information provided in this app is very useful. I am not a student of biology, but I can appreciate the work that has been put forward by developers to make this app as interactive as it is today. So if you are into biology and want to get a crash course about the human skeleton systems, you should give Body Bones a try.

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