App Reviews

Horoscopes Pro

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Is your destiny written in the stars? Probably not. But keeping up with your horoscopes can be quite entertaining. You can find a ton of interesting facts by keeping up with different zodiac signs and their readings. Horoscopes Pro is an entertaining application that lets you keep up with your daily, weekly, and monthly horoscopes on your iPhone.

Horoscopes Pro covers daily horoscopes for all zodiac signs. It offers career and love readings too. You also get Chinese horoscopes. The user interface is pretty decent and does not require you to be an astrology expert to get started. A dream book dictionary is included as well. Support for push notifications is offered. This app works for singles and couples.

Horoscopes Pro has everything you need to keep up with your sign on a daily or monthly basis. You probably shouldn’t rely on your horoscopes to make the most serious decisions in your life. But Horoscopes Pro does provide you with all the relevant information to your sign and that of your partner.

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