App Reviews
Have you ever had one of those days in which you have so many tasks to tackle and don’t know where to start. Those who have studied time management in the past know too well about the concept of prioritization. By organizing your tasks and tackling them one by one, you won’t waste too much time deciding what to do. PriorityList is a simple to-do list manager iPhone owners can use to keep track of their tasks.
A perfect to-do list manager is one that stays out of its users’ way. PriorityList is simple enough not to complicate things. It allows you to add all your tasks with notes and assign icons and priority to each of them. PriorityList for iPhone displays all your tasks (on the right order) on your screen, giving you a better idea which tasks you need to tackle next.
PriorityList can handle all the changes that you want to make to your tasks. It does not have as many bells and whistles as some of the other to-do list managers. At the same time, it is fast and easy to get started with.
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