App Reviews

iStart Japanese!

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The Japanese language is truly beautiful and well worth learning, especially if you plan to make trips to that area of the world on a frequent basis. Some of us who only know English could find learning this language a tad bit challenging. Having a training program to take your hand and walk you through the challenging aspects of this language is a good idea. iStart Japanese! is such an application.

iStart Japanese! is developed for those who are just getting started with this language. It has a pragmatic approach to it. Not only it teaches students how to write Japanese and learn pronunciations, it also includes dialogs to teach them how to deal with situations that may come up on a daily basis.

iStart Japanese! has a very attractive interface. It teaches you how to speak and write the language. The quizzes are not that hard but can make the learning process easier for you. iStart Japanese! is not developed to make you a master in this language. But the training should be enough to make you dangerous.

iStart Japanese! makes learning Japanese easy. If you can’t afford a personal tutor or just don’t have the time for one, this app is your next best option.

Rating: 9/10

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