
8 Killer Free Weight Loss Applications for iPhone

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Those who have been overweight in the past know that sometimes it’s too difficult to lose that extra weight without some additional help. One needs to watch his/her food intake and calories burned everyday to make sure the calories balance themselves out. Exercising and staying on a decent diet are the way to go. Thanks to all the diet and exercise apps available for iPhone, you can keep track of everything you eat and do on your phone and stay on the right track at all times.

If you are hoping to lose weight and stay on weight with the help of your iPhone, these 8 free weight-loss apps (free at the time of this writing) are worth picking up:

Lose It! for iPhone: an attractive and easy to use food app for iPhone that keeps track of the amount of calories you take in and helps you meet your goals on a daily basis.

Eat What? Weight Loss Diet: lets you set your health objectives and uses those to find you the right type of food to eat when you are out.

GoMeals for iPhone: a very handy app that offers you a database full of nutritional values for your favorite foods and restaurant menu items, a food tracking tool, and a restaurant locator with more than 175,000 locations.

Run Coach: running is one of the best ways to burn those extra calories you have taken in. Run Coach is a free app that lets you get started with running and become more fit fast.

Fitness Pro for iPhone: designed for those of you who want to add more moves to your exercise plan. It has plenty of images and information on each move to help do the moves in the right fashion.

Virtual Trainer for iPhone: has many exercises with descriptions and instructions to help you get the most out of your exercise sessions. Lets you create and log your own routines.

DailyBurn: works with your DailyBurn account to keep track of your weight, exercise, nutrition, and other health information.

Weight Watchers Mobile: Weight Watchers needs no introduction. Many have lost using that system. This app is designed for those of you who are following WW plans.

Do you have any suggestions?

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